Articulation Agreements 南卡罗来纳 Technical College System

十大正规网堵平台’s transfer agreement with the 南卡罗来纳 Technical College System (SCTCS) provides a wide range of benefits to graduates from any of the 16 SCTCS technical colleges who have earned an AA, AS, or AAS including:

  • Waived application and registration fees.
  • All credits earned in the associate's degree with a “C'' or higher will be considered for transfer. The number of credits transferred vary by program.
  • Cost of attendance no more than the total of tuition and fees at the highest 南卡罗来纳 public university’s in the state for the chosen program.
  • Depending on the number of credits transferred, SCTCS associate degree graduates attending 十大正规网堵平台 full time may complete the bachelor's degree in 1 to 1.5年.

For more information, please contact the admissions office at any of the three 十大正规网堵平台 campuses in 南卡罗来纳, 位于 格林维尔, 哥伦比亚, 查尔斯顿.

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